
Release of the Global Ocean Science Report 2020 by IOC/UNESCO

The recently-released Global Ocean Science Report 2020 – Charting Capacity for Ocean Sustainability (GOSR2020), is available on-line. The 2nd edition of this flagship publication of IOC and UNESCO was launched on 14 December 2020 on the occasion of the online event-dedicated of the 60th Anniversary of the IOC.

Since 2014, the IOC has been working on the preparation of the Global Ocean Science Report as part of its mandate. GOSR2020 is the result of a truly global endeavour with 45 Member States contributing to the GOSR2020 questionnaire, and many more represented in bibliometric, technometric and gender specific analyses, and with an Editorial Board of 12 (5 female, 7 male) members from 12 countries, and 35 authors from all five IOC electoral groups and 19 reviewers.

Based on data collected from around the world, the GOSR2020 offers a global record of how, where and by whom ocean science is conducted. By analyzing the workforce, infrastructures, equipment, funding, investments, publications, data flow and exchange policies, as well as national strategies, the GOSR monitors our capacity to understand the ocean and seize new opportunities.


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