Observations Coordination Group (OCG)

The OCG Executive Committee (OCG Exec) is the body that oversees the development and implementation of the OCG Work Plan, managing resources, inter-sessional activities, communication with the OCG, and relationship with other bodies.

The OCG Executive Members provide and ensure a wide range of expertise and scientific, technical and programmatic insight to OCG. Executive Members are made up of selected representatives with appropriate range of expertise, and to maintain appropriate geographical and gender representation.

Member Role Country
Jonathan Turton
Met Office
Vice-Chair, WMO & Technology United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
David Legler
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Chair United States of America
Juliet Hermes
South African Environmental Observation Network, National Office
Vice-Chair, Standards & Best Practices South Africa
Mathieu Belbeoch
World Meteorological Organization
OceanOPS Manager Switzerland
Champika Gallage
World Meteorological Organization - Observing System and Information Department
WMO Secretariat support Switzerland
Kevin O'Brien
University of Washington
Vice-Chair, Data & Information United States of America
Emma Heslop
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
IOC/GOOS Secretariat support France
Zulfikar Begg
Secretariat of the Pacific Community - Regional Office
Capacity Development TT Leader Fiji
Ann-Christine Zinkann
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ocean and Atmospheric Research
NOAA Support United States of America
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