Nineteenth Session of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

6 – 8 Apr 2016, Esporles, Spain

The 19th Session of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate will be held overlapping with the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group and generously hosted by the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) and The Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB)


Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avancats (IMEDEA)
C/Miquel Marquès, 21

07190 Esporles

Organisers and Staff

Dr. Katherine (Katy) Hill
Dr. Ananda Pascual
Dr. Katherine (Katy) Hill

Report Documents

Code Title
GOOS-214 Report of the Nineteenth Session of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC)

Agenda Documents

Agenda Code Title
0 OOPC-19 and OCG-7 Joint Day Agenda version 230316
0 OOPC-19 Agenda version 230316
1 EOV Specification Sheets
1 Draft overview table of Societal Benefit, Application, Phenomena, EOVs
1 Draft document analysis of consistent language for SB, Application, Phenomena in OOPC EOV spec sheets
1 GOOS Strategic Mapping graphic
2 GCOS IP 2016 Ocean Chapter DRAFT 300316
3 Element-Network Specification Sheets
4 OOPC Proposed activity: Boundary Currents and their interaction with the shelf (v.2)
4 GOOS-210 Report of the 18th Session of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Physics and Climate (OOPC)
4 Progress against OOPC-18 actions (Google Sheet)
4 Deep Ocean Observing Strategy - Version 3
4 Gliders as a component of the sustained observing system
4 Proposal: OOPC-GSOP Engagement with climate modelling on observing system design

Background Documents

Code Title
OOPC-19 and OCG-7 Joint Day Agenda version 230316
OOPC-19 Agenda version 230316

Other Documents

Code Title
OCG, OOPC Logistic information for OCG-7 and OOPC-19

Participant Stats:

Staff and organisers 3
Confirmed 19
Not Confirmed 1
Not-participating 6
Total 23

Notice: Undefined index: groupname in /var/www/html/goos_wp_stag/wp-content/themes/goos/goos_event_template.php on line 138
Groups: , GOOS
Created at 14:12 on 22 September 2015 by Dr. Katherine (Katy) Hill
Last Updated at 13:42 on 20 December 2018 by Astrid de Lichtervelde
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