DBCP Task Team on Environmental Stewardship (TT-ES)

Terms of Reference
(as adopted at DBCP-XXXVII)

The DBCP Task Team on Environmental Stewardship shall:
1.Best Practices: Review, report on and recommend standards, technologies, and best practices of environmental stewardship (ES) in the use of ocean buoys with the goal of reducing the magnitude and exposure of stressors to the environment. Work with DBCP members to develop and maintain sustainable best practices that minimize - impact on the environment through community engagement, as applicable, with buoy and instrument users, manufacturers, WMO, IOC, and GOOS. Support members in establishing best practices to assist clearance process for responsible buoy operations.  
2.Baseline: Work with members of the DBCP and ocean observing community to complete a self-assessment of environmental footprint and potential environmental risk to establish a baseline of environmental impacts and develop possible solutions for improvements based on best knowledge and capacity of the DBCP. Encourage and support members in undertaking regular reviews against baseline assessments, and as needed.
3.Foci: Act as the focal point for DBCP environmental stewardship matters and keep a repository of available national and international resources (e.g., UNCLOS Law of the Sea, UNEP, MARPOL, MSR, etc.). 
4.Liaise: Coordinate with TT-CB and WG-Vandalism, mainstreaming ES issues for education and capacity development activities. Liaise with WMO, IOC and GOOS (including the Observations Coordination Group) for guidance and regulatory materials on environmental impact assessment, marine scientific research, and best practices.
5.Feedback: Seek input from DBCP members regarding existing national policy or programs that promote environmental stewardship and would facilitate a self-assessment of environmental impact (baseline). Work with members to identify and address obstacles prohibiting adoption of best practices, and knowledge gaps. 
6.Report: Inform DBCP Executive Board of recommendations to address items above and report on progress of actions to Executive Board and at annual sessions of the DBCP. Propose to the DBCP and its Executive Board any evaluation activities and pilot projects that it deems beneficial to drifting buoy operators.
7. TT-ES chair is a member of the DBCP-EXB.  TT-ES chair is elected by the TT-ES and in principle serve 2 years with the possibility to extend to 4 years in that capacity.
Member Role Country
Zacharie Sohou
Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB)
Luca Centurioni
University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
United States of America
Shannon McArthur
NOAA National Data Buoy Center
United States of America
Kenneth Connell
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research / Pacific Marine Environmental Labolatory
United States of America
Kalpana Chaudhari
A Al Janahi
ROPME / Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre
Bruce Forgan Australia
Martha Schonau
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
United States of America
R. Venkatesan
National Centre for Coastal Research
Long Jiang
Technical Coordinator France
Lancelot Braasch
University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
United States of America
Steve Knowles
Meteorological Service of New Zealand
New Zealand
Karen Grissom
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Chair United States of America
Emma Heslop
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Ann-Christine Zinkann
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ocean and Atmospheric Research
United States of America
Shannon Kaya
Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada
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